I feel like all my posts lately start with an apology for not blogging in forever! I swear now that things have calmed down, and i no longer feel like complete death, i will resume some sort of a consistent blogging schedule. **Any specific things you guys would like me to write about or do a post on?** And since its Monday, here's another edition of Manic Mondays!
1- I secretly want to be an extreme couponer. Ever seen the show? I don't fully understand how they get everything for free (or close to it). I get excited if i use just a few coupons when i go to the store. I used to be OCD and write down what was on sale where each week and proudly drive to 5 stores getting the best price for everything. Not so much any more. My goal for 2012 is to get my coupon on.

2- I’m un able to watch anything on live tv. Who has time to sit through commercials? Thank you tivo for allowing me to watch The Bachelor, 90210, Cup Cake Wars and House in half the time.
3- Please tell me how people wear jeans on a daily basis. Call it the girly girl in me, but i just cant do it. I’m lucky if i wear jeans once a month. Any one else like this? I used to cry when i was little if my mom tried to dress me in jeans. Dresses, tights, leggings all the way!

Rare moments in jeans. *shudders*
4- I’ve had my belly button pierced since my freshman year of high school. I havent had my pink diamond cross ring in in over 3 years. I tried to put it in last night. It still went in. Crazy.

My friend took this for her photography class my freshman year of high school.
5- Speaking of jewelry.. i cannot sleep in any jewelry. Rings, earrings, necklaces.. they all have to come off. My fingers swell, my ears hurt, and i feel like my necklace is trying to strangle me in the night.

too much….
In other news:
-I made an amazing stir fry last week and took no pictures. #BloggerFail. We stopped in at the Asian Market on a whim and ended up scoring two big bags of baby bok choy for a dollar each, some random cabbages, and insanely long green beans. I got home and sautéed some garlic and onion in a pan. Added some water and the baby bok choy. Covered and let it steam for about ten minutes. Once the bok choy was fully soft i added diced tomatoes, green onion and mushrooms. And put it on a bed of miracle noodles. So simple and SO good! I will for sure make this again, and remember to photograph it!

-Buttons is doing a lot better. Still not her normal self but has made such an improvement. I honestly thought we were going to lose her last week. She was pretty much comatose and didnt move. I was a complete mess all day. Thankfully after a few days of praying and syringe feeding her, shes almost back to her normal perky self!

-The Packers lost. Its a sad day for Cheese Heads everywhere.

Im calling this his ‘sad face’
**Tell me something Manic about you! Or just tell me something about your weekend.**