Friday, October 28, 2011

Sometimes you just need to sparkle

So since Im aware that im the only girl who ever has a bad hair day, cant find a thing to wear, feels uncomfortable in her own skin, and just downright doesnt like how she looks (just kiddinggg) i figured i'd share some things that perk me up, add a little pep in my step and get me out of the house!

1- Create an alter ego. And channel that person. For me, its Jenna Jameson. Not the porn star side.. im a classy gal and basically a nun. Which is why Channeling a little Jenna works for me. I tease my hair a little extra, add a little more eyeliner, and rock her overly-confident, sassy attitude.

2- Put on a dress (as per usual) Or anything that makes you feel good. For me, its a dress and boots. Especially if im going out dancing. Footloose aint got nothing on me ;)

3- Add a little sparkle. Rhinestones are a girls best friend. And when desperate times call for desperate measures.. a little glitter never hurt anyone. Just use it in moderation. Or else you'll like like pixie dust exploded on you.. or that you just came back from a strip club..

4- Just a little touch goes a long way! And even if its not that noticeable. YOU know its there. And thats all that matters =)

Then... grab your best friend. Go out. And have a good night. Because remember that just because you feel less then stellar, no one else will know it unless you let them. Fake it till you make it ;)

**What do you do when your feeling less then stellar?**


  1. Play with my dog!!! Go shopping!! Read or do Bible Study!! =)

  2. Yes! Anything involving God for sure!

  3. You are absolutely stunning. Really, very, pretty.

    ... I wasn't going to say this because you probably get it a lot and it's very obvious, and might be annoying, but you'd be even more attractive and gain some real sparkle (in your eyes :P) if you were about 50lbs heavier.


  4. Oh, and I... Hmm, I'm not very good at things like this, so ...Go online, to read something uplifting or post on forums? Go to an excersize class? Have a nice bath!

  5. i drink wine, order sushi, and watch a movie with my dog! haha! i'm so boring! :) i love your fashion hat and your glitter cross! xxx

  6. Hmmm, I listen to music, curl up with my super long sweater that goes to the floor (I like to feel like a little kid who's wearing her mom's clothes), eat cupcakes, and talk to YOU!!! :)
    Also, your hair totalllllly channels Jenna!! Rock it girl <3


  7. Oh I just thought of one that Iactually do, a lot! Lay down with and stroke my cat/s. Always makes me feel better :) x.

  8. I listen to music...loudly...and dance around the kitchen! :) I like the first commenters answer: studying the bible always makes me feel better :)

  9. I love this :) It's actually making out of the house that I struggle with, but you're right in that noone will know apart from you! Thanks for this post, loved it <3 allegra xxxx

  10. Hello Sarah!

    So nice to get to know you. I scrolled down and read many posts from the past. You seem so sweet, and honest, and open. Qualities I appreciate in people.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment! I love this interactive side of blogging.

    When I feel less star-like, I also go for something dress type, short and sexy. Glitter never hurts, either;)

    Hugs to you!

  11. I agree with are so pretty!

  12. love that adurey quote. happy girls ARE the prettiest girls! sometimes a smile can just fix everything, so when i am in a funk, i force myself to smile. even if it's just for 15 seconds, it always seems to help me snap out of it. and you know what else helps? wine and candy. haha

  13. Hey thanks for the comment :) You live in Phoenix? And yes, you are so right, sometimes faking it until you make it is TOTALLY the right way to go!

  14. Thanks for this blog! It really got me thinking how much a little sparkel can make my day even better. Tomorrow I shall wear my Shostakovich Laguna Jeans LOL <3
